Hi guys, now i'm home :) oh i must fix a header.. hmm... can be one of my friend :)

I be so happy for Jedwards tweets "What is the capital of Sweden? Is it...S?" but they don't come to Stockholm :(

I cannot write so much abot Jedward evey day, so I think I do that:

Day 1: present myself
Day 2: My first Love
Day 3: My best friend
Day 4: This I ate today
Day 5: Five truths about myself
Day 6: My day
Day 7: someone I will never forget
Day 8: a moment
Day 9: something I long for
Day 10: This I had on me today 
Day 11: One thing I do every day
Day 12: In my purse
Day 13: this week
Day 14: someone I think about every day
Day 15: My dreams
Day 16: My first kiss
Day 17: my favorite memory
Day 18: something I will never forget
Day 19: i regret this
Day 20: that month
Day 21: something/someone have changed me
Day 22: this upsets me
Day 23: this makes me feel better
Day 24: this makes me cry
Day 25: favorite movie
Day 26: my fears
Day 27: my favorite place
Day 28: This is what I miss
Day 29: my ambitions
Day 30: my Love

One more: favorite songs and artist

I dontso good on English, So if you dontunderstand i'm sorry, butplease comment so i can explain :)
I startet tomorrow:)

peace out guys :)// Emelie


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